sq/ft Indoor Exhibits
sq/ft Outdoor Exhibits
Exhibitor Registration

Ag Innovation Application
Apply to win up to $25,000 in cash prizes. Do you have a new product that can help the bottom line for a producer? Applications will be accepted until July 24th.Application

Gain access to an extensive list of all City of Red Deer and Surrounding Area Accommodations.VisitReddeer.com

Rules & Regulations
Exhibitors will be required to adhere to all rules and regulations provided by Show Management.more info

Internet Services
Running high data or live streaming, be sure to invest in a hard wired connection at your booth.more info

Shipping Information
Advanced Shipping/Material Handling begins 4 weeks prior to the show.more info

Equipment Storage
Equipment storage will be accepted beginning: November 6th - November 10th, (8:00 am - 4:30 pm). Please Note: forklift assistance hours is from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.more info

Onsite Storage
As onsite storage is limited, you will be responsible for storing required materials within your booth space.more info

Security Services
Indoor/Outdoor displays will be monitored 24 hours on the clock during set-up and tear-down (Monday to Saturday).more info

Exhibitor Gate Entrance & Parking
To gain quick access on grounds and to avoid public lineups, please use the "Exhibitors Only Gate" SouthEast Gate behind Westerner Park off 17th Street.more info

Advertising & Marketing
To take your companies marketing/advertising to the next level, both Farming for Tomorrow and Red Deer Advocate offer promotional options.more info

Exhibitor Login
This is exclusive to exhibitors of Agri-Trade, gain access to all your online booth/exhibitor needs and requirements.Exhibitor Dashboard Login

Show App:
Plan ahead with the Digital Show Planner. Navigate throughout the show, by adding Exhibitors and Products that you’re interested in.Go to App

Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Form
When contracting an outside company for set-up of your booth.more info

Building Overhead Door Measurements
Measurements of all Westerner Park overhead doors by building.more info

Equipment Cleaning and Snow Removal
To access a list of companies to clean and/or clear snow off equipment on site.more info
Show Dates & Hours
For show updates, follow us on X @agritradetoday and use the hashtag #agritrade25
Show Hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm DAILY, (Wednesday to Friday)
Future Agri-Trade Dates are as follows:
2025 - November 5 - 7
2026 - November 11 - 13
Directions & Maps
Coming in to Red Deer northbound on Highway 2 (QEII),
take Exit 391. Cross Mackenzie Road (Twp Rd 374)
and follow the service road north to 17th Street, turn right,
then left on 49th Avenue.
The Westerner will come up on your right.
Coming in to Red Deer Southbound on Highway 2 (QEII),
take Exit 394. Turn right onto Taylor Drive,
then right onto 19th Street (Secondary Highway 595)
proceed east, past Gaetz Avenue (50th Ave).
The Westerner will come up on the right.
Exhibitor Parking
During set up on Monday, November 11th and Tuesday, November 12th all gates to Westerner Park are open. Please do not park in any designated fire lanes or you will be ticketed and towed. Pay attention to signs as we want your stay with us, to be free of problems.
Designated parking areas have been set up to get you parked as close to your pavilion/building area as possible during the show. Please Park at the rear of the Main Buildings, including the Sand Ring. Harvest Centre & Outdoor Exhibitors, please park in the North Centrium Lot. Your best entry gate is the “Exhibitors Only Gate” which is the Southeast gate of Westerner Park. Please use this gate to gain quick access to the Exhibitor parking and avoid lineups. This entry is located behind Westerner Park off 17th Street.
Exhibitor Packages & Badges
All exhibitor badges will be generic with the title “EXHIBITOR” and will provide free parking on site. You will not be required to sign up and register your staff names. Allocations for the number of Exhibitor badges you receive will be on your company profile and is based on the quantity of floor space you have registered for. Your exhibitor badge is you’re parking pass, entry into the show/all events, and must be worn at all times. This provides entry into the show each day and those exhibitors not wearing a badge will be charged regular gate admission on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with no exceptions and no refunds. Exhibitor badges can be picked up with your exhibitor packages upon move in at the Show Office (located upstairs in the LOOKOUT ROOM, entry is through the Gallery). Extra exhibitor badges are available at a DISCOUNTED cost of $15.00 each. Exhibitor badges can be purchased through the Exhibitor Dashboard in advance.
Please see below the amount of Complimentary Exhibitor Badges that can be expected in your Exhibitor Package based on your companies total booth square footage:
- 0 - 700 square feet = 2 exhibitor badges
- 701 - 2500 square feet = 5 exhibitor badges
- 2501 - 7000 square feet = 20 exhibitor badges
- outdoor exhibitors = 2 exhibitor badges
Rules and Regulations
Fire Regulations:
Agri-Trade Management works closely with Red Deer EMS personnel to receive floor plan exhibitor placement approval. That means that your space outline or allocation must be adhered to without deviation. Each year we are physically inspected by Red Deer EMS personnel to determine that there are no infractions such as exit blockage. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated.
Fire regulations prohibit the use of any kind of bales or other potential fire hazards within the buildings. Roofed buildings are also prohibited inside the pavilions as they block the sprinkler system from operating efficiently should an emergency occur. If you are concerned about anything you are planning to display, please contact show management.
2 storey displays must submit a complete set of engineered drawings to the Red Deer Emergency Services team for approval. A stamped copy will be retained on file by the Show Manager and the display is subject to inspection by the Red Deer Emergency Services team prior to show opening.
Move In:
If you require large door access and miss your move-in time you will be scheduled into the rotation with no guarantee of timing. Upon arrival to the building at your scheduled move in time, please check in with the Floor Manager for that pavilion and they will ensure you get your equipment in as soon as possible. All equipment must be cleared of snow before entering the building including boxes and accessories. Any excess snow cleaning or melting of snow in the building from equipment will be invoiced to the company from Westerner Park. Foothills Energy Services Ltd. (Rick Splett) provides snow cleaning services and can be contacted by phone at, (403) 877-0044 or email rick@fesl.com.
Exhibitors using a motor vehicle to assist with brief unloading and loading during set-up and tear-down of exhibits is permitted for short periods of time during your scheduled move-in time/move-out. Vehicles are not permitted to be left unattended or left idling. No blocking of overhead doors is permitted.
It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to arrange for the removal and/or disposal of items pertaining to the set-up of the display; including, display shipping crates/packaging/garbage/recycling/debris from power tools, etc. Where applicable, the exhibitor will be responsible for cleaning up and/or will be responsible for any charges associated with the removal or clean up of debris.
Insurance (MANDATORY):
All exhibitors are responsible for carrying their own insurance (general and third-party liability) related to their participation at the show and must be uploaded to the Exhibitor Dashboard no later than October 1st, 2024. Please find requirements listed below (failure to meet all requirements listed below will result in your insurance certificate being declined:
Insured Third Party Listed & Address: Agri-Trade Equipment Expo LTD., 3017 Gaetz, 50 Ave, Red Deer, AB, T4N 5Y6,
Insurance Liability: $2,000,000 minimum, inclusive of bodily injury and property damage per occurrence.
Duration/Dates: Exhibitor shall obtain and maintain in force for the period beginning with the move-in date and ending after the move-out of equipment/belongings from the Westerner Park Grounds.
***Failure to provide insurance as per above, may result in forfeiture of the Exhibitor’s display space. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Facility Damages:
Exhibitors causing damage to Westerner Park facilities as a result of move-in/move-out or show activities will be held responsible and accountable for any repair or refurbishing costs incurred.
Exhibitor Property:
The Exhibitor’s property shall be placed on display and exhibited at his/her own risk and Agri-Trade shall assume no responsibility for loss or damage hereto, before, during or after the Show. The Exhibitor shall assume all responsibility for loss or damage to their property that may be due to fire, theft, flood, lightning, earthquake, explosion, or any other cause. The Exhibitor agrees that all property, including animals/livestock, which the Exhibitor has on the premises referred to in this contract is the responsibility of the Exhibitor and is in its care, custody and/or control.
Exhibitors shall not operate draws, lotteries or sample giveaway items without submitting the Draws/Lotteries & Sample Giveaways Form on the Exhibitor Dashboard at https://ATE24.exh.mapyourshow.com. Show Management reserves the right to ban objectionable premiums and novelties and to prevent the sale or distribution of any articles or products which it believes might endanger the health and safety of those attending the show. In the event that your request is denied an email notification will be sent to you from Show Management.
Aisles must not be obstructed at any time. Demonstrations must be conducted within the aisle line of the exhibit space. If several spectators are expected to congregate at one time, space must be left within each exhibit area in which an audience may gather. Should spectators interfere with normal traffic flow in the aisle or overflow into the aisle, show management reserves the right to request that such presentations be limited or discontinued. This will be strictly enforced, no exceptions.
All Exhibitor booths are expected to be set-up in full by 9:00am Wednesday, November 13th. An exhibitor representative must be present at all times in the booth throughout the duration of the show (Wednesday to Friday - 9am to 5pm).
Advertising must be kept within exhibitor booths, (i.e., posting of advertising on pillars, walls, any Westerner Park locations outside of your booth location).
Only representatives of exhibitors with a paid booth space are permitted to conduct business at Agri-Trade. If a third-party company is found conducting business without a paid booth, they will be asked to leave the premises.
All draped booth space displays must not reduce visibility into a neighboring booth. Agri-Trade reserves the right to move such displays that reduce visibility.
Sound Levels:
The noise level of any demonstrations or sound systems or equipment must be kept to a minimum in order not to interfere with others. Show management reserves the right to determine the sound level at which the noise interferes with others and may require the exhibitor to discontinue.
Food and Beverage:
Exhibitors are not permitted to serve any food or beverages in their exhibit area unless expressly permitted in writing by the host venue, Westerner Park. Once approved, you are required to submit the AHS Special Event Food Vendor Notification Form 30 days prior to the show (Special Event Food Vendor Notification (albertahealthservices.ca))
Selling Outside the Booth Space:
We encourage all exhibitors to sell directly in their booth space. Promotions outside of your allocated exhibit space that are NOT authorized by Event Management will be immediately shut down in order to avoid NON-exhibitors from selling/promoting at the show. This is to protect the investment you have made in this show and we value your business. If you see anyone promoting outside of their booth space, please let Event Management know immediately.
Booth Sharing:
Sharing of exhibit spaces is strictly prohibited. One company – one booth. Companies may have dealers assist with staffing their exhibits. Any infraction of this rule will result in expulsion from the event, and your company will be moved to the bottom of the waiting list.
Exhibitor Functions:
Show management requires that exhibitors limit social functions and off-floor seminars to times not in conflict with any AGRI-TRADE functions as listed in the show guide. In addition, exhibitors agree to not remove attendees from the show floor during regular show hours.
Early Dismantle:
We will be shutting down Agri-Trade at 5:00 pm on Friday, November 10th. Any exhibitor that is witnessed dismantling any part of their display earlier than 5:00 pm without the prior written consent of Show Management will be excluded from exhibiting in the next years Agri-Trade show (including Outside Exhibitors). We still have people entering the show at noon on Friday, November 10th who pay full admission and we will not have them denied the opportunity to see the whole show.
Agri-Trade Equipment Expo highlights new products only. The focus of this show is to feature new products and services in the agricultural industry. Used equipment, photos of used equipment or the promotion of used equipment for sale is NOT allowed on the show grounds. The use of antique farm equipment as part of a display motif or to celebrate a special milestone in show history is permitted. Show management has the right to remove an exhibitor who does not abide by this policy.
Move Out/Removal of Exhibit and/or Equipment:
All equipment must be cleared out of the buildings by noon on Saturday, November 16th with no exceptions. Exhibitors on Centrium Ice Level, please note: all displays must be dismantled and off the floor by 9pm on Friday, November 15th. Any exhibitor missing this deadline may be levied with a fine.
If your equipment is left in the building, it will be removed from the building and placed on the grounds. They are not liable for any damage that occurs during this time. Please ensure your staff is ready to move you out after the show on Friday, November 15th starting at 5 pm.
No blocking of overhead doors is permitted. If outdoor storage of equipment is required, please park in the Southwest parking lot on the grounds (Please note: this includes outdoor exhibitors as well). All outdoor equipment must be off Westerner Park grounds by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, November 19th. Unless previous arrangements are made with show management, fines may be levied against any exhibitor whose equipment is still on site after that time. No exceptions will be made and equipment still on the grounds after this time will be shipped to the exhibitor COD with the shipping company of the Show Management’s choosing.
It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to remove and dispose of all items pertaining to the set-up/tear-down of the display; including, display/shipping crates/packaging/garbage/recycling, etc. Where applicable, the exhibitor will be responsible for all charges associated with the removal of exhibiting debris.Rules contained in this document will be strictly enforced for the duration of the show including set-up and tear-down and exhibitors are responsible for any fines or conditions placed on them as a result of disregarding rules.
Advertising and Marketing
All advertising for the show promotion distributed through Farming for Tomorrow is done by the advertising staff at Farming for Tomorrow, they can be reached directly at 1-403-264-3270.
Local promotion distributed through the Red Deer Advocate. Staff at The Advocate can be reached directly at 1-403-413-4358.
If you are looking for a customized advertising package at the show, contact Krissy Fiddler at 403-755-7124 or via email at kfiddler@agri-trade.com.
Move Out Dates
Move out will begin promptly at 5pm on Friday, November 15th. Early tear down of exhibits or displays is strictly prohibited.
All indoor equipment and booths must be out of the buildings by 11:59 pm on Friday, November 15th, unless previous arrangements and approval is received from Show Management. Exhibitors on Centrium Ice Level, please note all displays must be dismantled and off the floor by 9pm on Friday, November 15th. Any exhibitor missing this deadline may be levied with a fine.
If outdoor storage of equipment is required, please park in the Southwest parking lot on the grounds (Please note: this includes outdoor exhibitors as well). All outdoor equipment must be off Westerner Park grounds by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, November 19th. Unless previous arrangements are made with show management, fines may be levied against any exhibitor whose equipment is still on site after that time. No exceptions will be made and equipment still on the grounds after this time will be shipped to the exhibitor COD with the shipping company of the Show Management’s choosing.
Move in Dates
EXHIBITOR MOVE-IN: DATES: Monday, November 11th and Tuesday, November 12th TIME: 8am to 6pm
INDOOR EXHIBITORS: We will be performing an assigned move in of all buildings in order to assist proper placement of large equipment and Floor Managers will facilitate a smooth move in for all exhibitors.
Please ensure your exhibitor account profile is accurate; an email will be sent in the month of September to access the Exhibitor Dashboard to begin your show planning. Exhibitor move in schedules (times/dates of move-in) will be uploaded to your Dashboard Checklist and if you miss your designated move-in time you run the risk of not getting your equipment placed (access to the large entry doors is very limited). Exhibitors with carry in items only, please feel free to move in any time on Tuesday, November 12th beginning at 8am.
OUTDOOR EXHIBITORS: Outdoor exhibitors are asked to set up anytime Monday, November 11th & Tuesday, November 12th. Exhibitors that are exhibiting large trucks and trailers located in the center aisles outdoors will set up on Monday, November 11th to avoid move-in delays.
Onsite Storage
Please be advised there is very little onsite storage at Westerner Park. You will be responsible for storing any needed material within your booth space. Exhibit crates will be stored outside on the parking lot directly behind the Neeralta Pavilion. Any additional storage requirements should be communicated to Goodkey Show Services who do have limited ability to store goods not needed during the show in trailers.
Equipment Cleaning
There will be two dedicated Washing areas set up, one by Tent A & B in the Southeast Corner of the show grounds and another in the Southwest Corner of the main parking lot (weather conditions dependent). Cleaning of equipment is the responsibility of the exhibitor and at your own expense. There are services that work with the show to provide this service, contact details are listed below:
mashineltd@gmail.com | www.mashinepressurewash.com
To avoid cleaning charges associated with excess snow melting from equipment during move-in; please contact Foothills Energy Services Ltd. (Rick Splett) at, (403) 877-0044 or email rick@fesl.com
Cleaning and scheduling of equipment is the responsibility of the exhibitor and at your own expense.
Equipment Storage
All show equipment will have to be stored at the southwest parking lot from Wednesday, November 6th to Sunday, November 10th between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm daily. Please Note: forklift assistance is only available between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm daily. Please click on the Equipment Drop off Zone button below, for the Equipment Storage/Drop-off Map to ensure that your delivery driver takes the correct route.
Please contact Trevor Johanson at (403) 396-5690, 24 hours in advance to your equipment delivery and notify what type of equipment is being delivered.
Forklift service will not be available to exhibitors prior to the above dates and hours, unless special arrangements are requested and approved.
Booth Prices
Booth Rates
Indoor: Based on 10 x 10 areas
1 to 6 units $1050.00 each + G.S.T.
7 or more units $900.00 each + G.S.T.
*Units include standard power, wifi access and exhibitor parking passes.
Outdoor: Based on 20’ x 40’ areas
Per unit: $750.00 each + G.S.T.
*Power is not included.
Booking Terms
Exhibitors from the previous show year are renewed first. If there are any openings on the show floor, they are offered to new applicants whom have filled out an application for indoor space and also registered outdoor exhibitors. If you would like to apply for indoor space, proceed to the EXHIBIT Tab within our website. Agri-Trade management reserves the right to place all exhibitors in the show.
Privacy Policy
Corporate names and booth locations will be published in our show guide. Corporate names, website addresses and business categories will be included on our website: www.agri-trade.com. Please inform our office of any changes. The list of Agri-Trade exhibitors is released only under the following conditions: to other exhibitors (corporate names and booth locations, in hard copy only); to comply with any statutory requirements; for Agri-Trade endorsed surveys; and to the publisher of our show guide (corporate names, contact information, categorical listings and booth locations, in electronic format).
Privacy officer, phone: 403-755-7124.
Show Decorator
Agri-Trade is pleased to announce the Official show Decorator Contractor is Goodkey Show Services. Their website for ordering is http://www.goodkey.com/ and the show code is (AT11091124). To contact Goodkey Show Services directly, please choose from the following:
Phone: 1-877-726-2211 Email: info@goodkey.com Website: www.goodkey.com
Reminder: Standard Power (1 OUTLET) (Indoor Booth only) is included in your booth rental…contact Goodkey if you have any concerns about your power requirements.
Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Form
Security Services
Security will be visible throughout the show as well as patrolling all buildings and outside displays during set-up and tear-down. They will be onsite as of Monday, November 11th and patrol all buildings 24 hours until midnight on Saturday, November 16th.
Shipping Information
Advanced Shipping/Material Handling begins 4 weeks prior to the show (charges will apply and can be found in the link and forms below). Any items delivered in advance will be placed at your booth for set up. Please ensure you list your booth number, hall and company name on the package to ensure you receive your materials in a timely manner. For any questions on the advance warehouse, please contact Goodkey Show Services directly at 1-877-726-2211. Please use the following shipping address to ship goods to the ADVANCE WAREHOUSE;
Please note that Westerner Park will not receive any shipments at their offices at any time leading up to the show. These shipments will be refused and returned so please ensure you use the right address.
Internet Services
WIFI is free to exhibitors and attendees, the TotalComm Network username and password for exhibitors is listed below. It is still recommended if you are running a lot of data in your booth or live streaming to invest in a hard-wired connection! To order your wireless/hard wired internet or for more information, please click on the Wired/Wireless Internet Form below or to contact TotalComm directly, please choose from the following: Phone: (403) 986-6767, Email: support@totalcomm.ca
WIFI Name: A-T EXHIBITOR WIFI Password: Agri-Trade#2024
Building Overhead Door Measurements
Centrium Lower Level: 22’ 6” x 14’ (east)
Centrium Upper: 11’ 8” x 9’ 8” (north)
Parkland Pavilion: 21’9” x 15’ 8” (east)
Prairie Pavilion: 19’ 5” x 19’ 5” (east)
Neeralta Pavilion: 19’5” x 15’11” (east)
Exhibition Hall: 19’5” x 19’5” (east)/19’5” x 19’5” (south)
Ag-West: 19’9” x 18’ (south)/11’8” x 11’10” (south)/12' x 12' (north)
Ag-East: 19’9” x 19’6” (east/south)/13’11” x 13’11” (east)